Saturday, August 1, 2009

Archangel Michael - Integration of Virtues 1st Stage - April 25,2009

translated from French

Integration of Virtues 1st Stage

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. I would like, before inaugurating the first transmission of ultraviolet radiation, to bring to those of you present here and to all human minds united in what I would call in a few moments the Celestial Marriages, that you receive the whole gratitude of various spiritual entities, the different entities of Light, the different incarnated entities of the separated worlds of this third dimension.

I should say that I am not alone, in the same manner that you are not alone. Our Divine intervention and my words will be announced during this time. I will take the time now to reveal three areas of completely new information to the human soul that you will become, but also new in your past.

Beloved teachers, these are the biggest revelations that I have given you here in a long time, while living these cycles of this separated humanity, while living the current separation experience. You were all, without exception, beings of pure Light who decided, following an action communicated by the Lords of Karma, and also by certain entities that you call Archangels like me, to advance in a direction following the unheard of sacrifice [of 3D separation], to ascension, to the material transformation in your future.

This [3D separation] lasted for a long time. Here you will now return, in these times, in your incarnation, to what I call the Celestial Marriages [Unions]. These Celestial Marriages will last 12 weeks. During these 12 weeks the majority of your potentialities linked to your past, linked to your [God Creator] Source and linked to what you will become will appear more and more clearly within your own consciousness.

I announced to you at the time of my first meeting this year that for a period of 16 months [till May 2010], announced previously as a deconstruction period, that this deconstruction period is necessary for your reunions with the Light. Understand though that the deconstruction period that begins as early as tonight, will now enter into activity in its entirety on this planet and on the whole of this solar system, and is not a punishment or a reward but is just a return to the Light signaling the end of [3D] separation and the end of the experience of this incarnation.

Now, I ask you to prepare yourself internally for the moments that will follow. During this period of time that is allocated to us We will transform you Carriers of Light into Sowers of Light. You are, in this world, the seeds of eternity in which others will root themselves, to learn and to develop a new life in the new [5th] dimension. Nevertheless, the role of Sower of Light is a role of awakening not only yourself but also the awakening of others, all of the teachers still asleep [ignorant of reality], deluded by the games of the ego and the separation games, not yet having been fully revealed of their potential unity.

The outpouring energy, the ultraviolet effusions that I, as well as the Conclaves, the [angelic] Circles, and the Councils relay, will allow you, during these periods, in this period, and in the later periods, to remove totally the veils of ignorance, the veils of separation and the veils of illusion. The Light comes to you to illuminate, to reveal this to you. Thus, the Source (or the Father, if you prefer) made an oath with you, as you made an oath with Him. You are children of Unity, children of the Law of One and this is that which is now being revealed to you.

My intervention now begins. The transmission of this additional ultraviolet radiation force will last, as I announced, for 72 minutes each week. Within this period of time I shall three times during a relatively short time give you and reveal to you the truth of what you are, what you were and what you will become. This revelation of truth is rendered possible by the action of Grace, by the Communion between your consciousness and our consciousness, by decree of the Source and by the Will of the Light.

In each of My meetings, as well as those of others, we are involved in turning your consciousness towards your inner self in order that you ignore the deconstruction and chaos of this world, as this is the solution, the key to your future. Your soul cannot find itself inside yourself unless you shut off the duality and the external events to allow your consciousness to incarnate.

You are pilgrims of eternity, you are pilgrims of Unity and you are, I repeat, among the very multitude of Masters that sacrificed the memory of your Divinity in order to prove and to realize that it was possible, even when deprived of the Source and Light, to come back to the Light on your own.

Those of you around the world who have decided to join in on this day and more especially at this point in time, will make great strides towards the path of self-realization. In this sense, I call these periods that you will live and the period that you now live Celestial Marriages. These are moments of extreme joy, ultimate joy, and essential joy that no exterior event will tarnish. This force lives in the revelation of your Light. This force lives in the transmission of this Light. Thus the worlds progress.

In the same manner, in an assembly of multiple spiritual beings gathered from our different unified dimensions, We come to greet you, We come to bathe your inner self with Our Divine Source. We come to reestablish your connection to your Unity, to your Divinity and to your mastery of yourself. You are much more than you can imagine or hope for. It must be said, it must be realized, it must be revealed, and understood, that ascension, and that Light are exactly what you must be shown. The illusion, created by your oath of separation, comes to an end irreversibly on this very day.

Of course, the not yet revealed Enlightenment on Earth does not over night remove the darkness projected during incarnations of your environment. Whatever the events linked to my Presence within this solar system, whatever the events linked to the irradiations of Light, this ultraviolet radiation, you should keep in mind the ultimate truth of who you are and what you will discover finally in your real higher dimension, in your real Unity, and in your strength as co-creators of this special universe.

Thus, human souls incarnate, I greet you in the grace and the power of your journey. I greet you fellow travelers who have chosen to walk in separation and division, and challenge you to strengthen your inner Light. Today, this outpouring, this radiation of ultraviolet energy, is offered to you to enable your return to your true reality. Whatever the events of your material, personal lives, whatever the joys or the disagreements arising during this deconstruction period, never forget your Divinity, your mastery, your truth and your Unity.

The only truth that you must keep conscious in your spirit, in your conscience, is this: you are children of the Law of One, you are children of the Eternal, you are pure Light. Only the veils linked to your oath of separation, wanted by some as an evolutionary experiment, drove the Earth to this state of division and of separation that you now live and will live more and more externally in the few moments left. Do not lament or weep.

Be content that you are the Light beings that you are. You will become transmitters of Light in revealing this higher dimension in its depth from our Upper Rooms, our Conclaves and our meetings. The Celestial Marriages correspond to celestial and cosmic reunions. That results in the total and irretrievable disappearance of the veils that isolated you in this dimension.

You will rediscover a position that is worthy of your status. Nevertheless, never judge those of you who have chosen to continue to live the experience of their [3D] separation. They are all as evolved and respectable as you. They are of the same Light, the same truth and the same Source. However, certain characteristics of their inner Light can not be revealed to them at the end of this cycle.

You are urged not to judge, not to say whatever condemnation is on your mind, but simply to continue to love, to radiate the Light of which you are the Carriers. This is the absolute and unique condition necessary to rediscover the entirety of what you are, through the effusions of ultra-violet energy, through the rays of Light that we relay from the Abode of Supreme Peace: Shanti nilaya [home of peace in Sanskrit].

Little by little the memory of what you are, during these 12 weeks of Communion and of Marriages, will return to you. The veils of illusion, the veils of the separation will be removed one by one. You will become the Sowers of Light that will plant the seeds for the new Earth and the new Heavens. You should strive to travel that path.

Do not try to interfere in any manner with your brothers who have chosen to turn their back on the Light in a temporary way, because I can assure you they are exactly the same as you but, for reasons of their own, they need to or they want to further reinforce their climbing mastery before their ascension. As Christ said : "Do not judge others".

You need to continue to radiate the Light of these Unions that you will live. You need to set aside 72 minutes of every week for these Marriages. We invite you, with the whole power of our love, to join yourself more and more to this effusion of special Light that comes to you, for you and for all the bodies of life present on Earth's surface and within this entire solar system.

With the confidence and abandonment that you will show in a move towards this invitation of the Light, towards these Celestial Marriages, you will obtain joys and an internal state that no material satisfaction that you now know can equal. The Source of joy corresponds at this point in time to a privileged merger.

The Source of the Light comes to awaken your Source. The role of the Source is to bathe, to irradiate, to nourish and to uplift you. This will become your role, beloved Masters of Light as time progresses. This is the first part of my revelation. We will remain in silence in order to welcome the UV radiation wave that intensifies itself now.

Human souls in incarnation, beloved Masters of Light, I have announced to you that, during this year and a part of your next year, you will pass from a human government to a spiritual government, which means that you will pass from a human leadership to a divinely appointed leadership. The human leadership is linked to the personality, linked to the ego, linked to society, and must give way to higher spiritual powers.

What is the spiritual power? This is the direct influence of the consciousness of the Light in your own conscious Light. It is expressed without using your usual methods. It requires the total elimination of any trace of human power in you whatsoever, and in particular the humanly exercised effort of control on another human being.

You are a being of Light, and no other Light being can impose his will or his desires or his persuasion on you. Only the abandonment to the Light (that is the spiritual strength) must take control and direct your lives. From the moment when you understand, integrate and begin living that, you will notice that the Light grows in you.

What will happen when the Light grows in you? You become beings of joy. You become transmitters of Light. You will see then that the emotions, the signs of the activity of the human ego, gradually diminish and disappear to make way for a state of grace or a state of inner joy independent of your own emotions and your own independent circumstances of life. In short, mastering your control will reveal itself to you.

Mastering control requires abandoning and loosening of control on others. Mastering control will give you the confidence and peace, as you begin joining with us in these Celestial Marriages during the next period of 12 weeks, when you see deconstructions intensify to a level that you cannot now imagine. In that, it is necessary for you to develop trust in our Divine ability, confidence in our contribution, in our relationship and our contacts, because Light can cause no harm, no disharmony among those who accept it.

Of course, during this time you may experience periods that you call in your language: rejection. Do not attach any importance to it. This is your path. This is an essential truth. We always were there, separated from you by the veils of the illusion and by the veils of separation. These veils will come to an end completely. In other words, the Light, using the assistance of other Light beings that are incarnated human souls, is available at your side to accompany you (by their vibration, their presence, their power, their radiation) to enter fully into your Temple, your security and in the being of Light that you are.

You can, and you have, only to call upon us. When I say "Us", it is both with my presence, the presence and the radiation of all of the body of Melchizedech, all the angels of the Lord and all the energies of the Archangels. Through your request, you will reinforce the Celestial Marriages. Through your request, you enhance mastering your control, you strengthen your surrender to the Light.

Human souls in incarnation, this is the second truth. You are now living on a second level of energy effusion. Human souls in incarnation, beloved Masters of Light, the disappearance of the veils of the illusion and separation will allow you to live your future in consciousness and envision what you will become, in a certain threshold with the awakening of the Light in you, as the illusion of time disappears.

This disappearance of the illusion of time will allow you to understand that the ascension is a transition and not a death, for at the time of the ascension, there is no forgetfulness, but on the contrary a total awakening. Pictures, perceptions, sensations will be revealed to you to awaken your conscience, and will show your movement to become beings of Light, beings of Crystals or Diamonds, according to your dimension prior to your descent in separation.

These visions, these perceptions, these sensations will allow you to let the faith grow in your future of Light, whatever the unpleasant events that your human perceptions, that your human direction, will be given you to see. What you see should be considered, simply and fairly, as events related to the penetration of the Light within the densest layers of humanity and Earth. No force, I repeat, no force in opposition to the Light can defeat the Light. Light is irrevocably the only winner in this illusion and life. The remainder are only projections of fear, of apprehension and of anguish.

While logical, this is understandable and acceptable, at least until you have joined the source of Supreme Peace with your heart. You will understand and you will live (intermittently at first, as in a dream but gradually more and more lucid and tangible and real), your reality and your true dimension of what you are. This will greatly facilitate the stabilization of the Light within your organisms but also the phenomenon of the transition and of ascension.

As you know, this ascension is not immediate, except for a number of human souls, Masters of Light who have realized and who will decide, on a voluntary basis, to ascend without the body. What you call death is their resurrection. This must happen, as you know, between now and your month of June. This is made possible by the power of the elements that I activate and usually reveal on this world and other worlds of the solar system.

Thus, it is not a period of mourning, it is not a period of loss but a period of excessive joy for your brothers and sisters who will finally ascend to their eternity in a sustainable manner. Nevertheless, the majority of you who were made or will become Masters of Light, shall I say, will drink the cup [3D burden] until the end.

This is neither a punishment nor a reward, but we need the sowers of Light that you will become to assist in the ascension of your brothers and sisters, human or not, and to achieve the transformation and the transition of the bodies from all of this solar system. Without you, we can do nothing. This is an absolute truth. Thus, we ask, and we'll continue asking tirelessly that you call on Us to assist you, not so much with requests in human terms of your physical needs, but rather to communicate with Us to strengthen this important period of your Celestial Marriage.

This is now, this begins today, this is not in a year, this is not in ten years, this is not in a generation but now, and I speak in human time and not in spiritual time. Why? Because there is an agreement, by the influx of Light, between your distant spiritual time and the human time. Human time and spiritual time will meet and merge, for those who wish, for those whose time of awakening and realization has come. The more of you who participate in these weekly Celestial Marriages, the more we get to promote the transition and the ascension to a larger number of souls.

One last time, do not dwell on the coming chaos of this world. The darkside will never win any battle. Only the illusion of time, only the illusion of separation, was able to make you believe that the dark existed [and ruled over you]. Those few on this planet who have dedicated their destiny to the dark have sacrificed [and suffered] more than you. Thus these beings must be neither tried nor convicted but simply loved.

The Celestial Marriages are also moments of the revelation of Love, Unity and Light. You have been loved from the beginning of time, for you are Love. But, alas, a number of human souls let themselves be put to sleep again by the siren songs of pleasure, which has lasted for a long time in this human cycle. Nevertheless, all this, linked to the power and control games, the illusion games, the games by those you call the darkside, will be irreparably dissolved by the power of Love and by the radiance of the abode of Supreme Peace.

What you see are in metaphorical language, the pains of childbirth and childbirth itself. Once childbirth has taken place, you will be able to look at these moments with peace, with serenity, for you will again become what you by oath stopped being, that is in Unity with Divinity. The hour of the Marriages, the hour of reunions is now.

You will have the impression, during the coming period of Celestial Marriages (that is like a period of gestation), the possibility of living in a dynamic natural way both in this [3D] world and also in the future [5D] world, the world of Light where the darkness cannot exist. This apprenticeship of living in two dimensions is also a form of education and a mastery of your new Light, revealed to yourself.

Our next two meetings will be Saturday May 2 at 15:30 [9:30 AM NY time, 8:30 AM Chicago, and 6:30 AM LA] and Saturday May 9 at 16:30 [10:30 AM NY time, 9:30 AM Chicago, and 7:30 AM LA], with the goal of increasingly joining you together with the bearers of Light. I am now taking a few moments again to allow the radiation of ultra-violet energy to enter at a higher octave [frequency]. You must welcome this present effusion of energy and this Light into your heart.

One last point: I told you that in each of my meetings from now on, I will unveil to you a function of one of your new strands of DNA, linked to the twelve virtues of the soul or again to what is called the twelve stars of Mary. The first star (or your third strand of DNA) is linked to the attraction law that you called Love. Allowing this third strand to activate makes it possible to transform the [3D] duality into a new tri-unity.

The second star (or fourth strand of DNA) is linked to the abandonment of 3D and a reception of the Light. This abandonment to the Light is the proof of your faith and of your allegiance to the Source and to the Light of which you have chosen. This agreement by yourself fully corresponds to the period that you now live and, therefore, to the Celestial Marriages.

We will now remain in silence, in regards to those of you present here during moments of the transmission of this ultraviolet radiation. Next, I will present my allegiance and I'll let you get into this state during the time you have left. Here and now, receive all my protection, all the Love of the spiritual beings that work for the emergence of the Light in this world.

We greet you with this effusion of energy. Wherever that you are on Earth, receive My protection and blessing. You are the hope of the world, you are walking in the Truth, you are blessed and I will talk further at our next meeting. Continue to live now in the peaceful silence, in the transmission of the Abode of Supreme Peace.

excerpts from

Patrick Bellringer has provided some work from the Phoenix Journals on the photon belt and Alcyone the Central Sun along with the 12 Pleiades planets. He states "[Earth] Shan arrived at her new position on December 15, 1995. The "biblical prophecy" of our Earth having a new sun and a new moon has been fulfilled. Shan has taken the position of the 4th planet in the solar system of Coeleno, (pronounced see-lee'-no) a sun in the Pleiades Constellation. Coeleno is one of the "Seven Sisters" and has a solar system of 12 planets.

The Photon Belt is a disc-shaped band of Light energy lying at right-angles to [Earth] Shan's plane of orbit. This band of Light circles the Great Central Sun, Alcyone. It originates from and also encircles the Greatest Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy and extends throughout the entire galaxy. Thus, all celestial bodies within the Milky Way Galaxy at some point in their orbits pass through the Photon Belt.

The Photon Belt is a higher dimension with a higher vibratory frequency wherein all is Light and all truth stands revealed. No one will be able to hide from the Light and the truth during that time. That is the realm of pure Light of our CREATOR, and it will be as heaven compared to what we are living now. No evil or any 3rd dimensional illusionary existence is allowed into the Cosmic Realm of 4th dimension or higher dimensions.

Our Pleiadian brothers and sisters are here now and have been circling [Earth] Shan in their starships for many years. You can easily see their ships with the naked eye at night as "stars" flashing the rainbow colors. They can be seen in daylight as vaporous disc-shaped clouds."

My Comments: The Celestial Marriages that AA Michael speaks of are a uniting of our souls with Divinity and an abandonment of our 3D lives as we move into 5D while our DNA is continually being upgraded. Control is the basic aspect of life in 3D, whether in employment or family or social gatherings, and it has led to manipulation and slavery and money that allows us to interfere with and judge and control others. We are all equal in Divine Unity and must realize this in every aspect of our lives, even in our unconscious desire for control and in our unbridled ego, and we must learn the humility taught by Christ.

Until there is undeniable proof presented by the coming changes that will make people take notice, I feel it is best to wait before discussing this in detail with others, since there is only talk now but little action, and it could lead to skepticism and hinder your work if given now. I recommend only that you make the needed mental preparation by formulating answers to their inevitable questions. My comments inside the Sources that are quoted are placed in [brackets] and is a standard practice.

Whether this message is from AA Michael or some other angelic realm or even another Source is unproven, so it is best to keep an open mind and focus on the message itself, as the content is generally consistent with other accurate work and will only be confirmed by its validity in time. His messages are unique and include specific timetables, and although they sound like their origin is the Source we will soon see if they are accurate. Some ETs have said that our current 3D existence is what is called hell and our new 5D and above union with divinity is indeed Heaven.

Occasionally certain data is lost in translation due to either errors in transcription or later in determining the meaning of the text. Certain events are dependent upon the allowance of the free will of the planets and the sun in our universe and may be altered along with other aspects by Divinity also as events progress. Time will tell.

Rich N


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